This Mini Mini is 6 years old. With 42345 miles recorded, it has done an average of 7058 miles per year. First registered in 2020. This White Hatchback is for sale in the Falkirk region for £11,250.
Double Vanos systemFully variable valve controlHigh precision injection6.5" touchscreen with LED ringLED reading lightsvanity mirror lightsfront foot well light and spotlight on front seatsMechanical seat adjustmentdriver seat height adjustforward/back and front seats backrest3 point seatbelts on all five seats6 Airbags - frontsidehead and seat belt tensionersAnti-lock braking system (ABS)DSC - Dynamic Stability ControlFront and rear disc brakesHill start assistSingle tone fanfare hornTyre pressure monitoring system
Cost & Efficiency
117.0 (g/km)
47.9 mpg
* Cars registered on or after 01/04/17 with a list price of over £40,000 at first registration including those with 0g/km will pay a vehicle road fund licence surcharge for 5 years from the start of the second licence
Performance & Engine
8.4 s
8.4 mph
134 bhp (6500 rpm)
1.5 L
129 mph
162.27 lb-ft (4100 rpm)
*Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information above. However, errors may occur. Check with a salesperson about items which may affect your decision to purchase.